Audio:QS030301.AIF C-box:Match each flower to its correct family. BallLoc:30,45;249,50;33,210;249,210 LineNum: GeoBytesUsed:6 PaletteNeutralPic: PossibleAns:["Mallow Family", "Lily Family", "Composite Family", "Orchid Family"] A-box or Headline6:N/A Correct:Composite Family*QS030302.AIF* Wrong 1:N/A Wrong 2:N/A Wrong 3:N/A Wrong 4:N/A Wrong 5:N/A Wrong 6:N/A Wrong 7:N/A Wrong 8:N/A GeoByte1:The chrysanthemum is the national flower of Japan. GeoByte2:The name ^chrysanthemum^ comes from the Greek word ^khrusanthemon^, which means "gold flower." GeoByte3:"The Chrysanthemums," published in 1938, is a classic short story by American author John Steinbeck. GeoByte4:Traditional Japanese flower arranging is considered an art form and has been practiced for more than a thousand years. GeoByte5:Chrysanthemums have been planted in Asia for thousands of years. GeoByte6:Most chrysanthemums bloom in the fall. GeoByte7: GeoByte8: GeoByte9: GeoByte10: FirstPictCast:SP030350.PIC VideoReward:#none Palette:PaletteQ3 QuestionMovie:#none EndVideo: VideoLastFrame: Glossary Start Glossary End